Helpful or annoying? 3 Popup Best practices for improving your visitor's experience

Make sure you have a purpose in mind

In short, don't simply add a Popup for the sake of using the feature. Remember, you'll essentially be interrupting your visitor, so be sure you make it worth their while. As Lily outlined in this article, common reasons for embracing this feature include:

  • Sharing an important notice (inform visitors)
  • Promoting an offer or promotion (increase conversion)
  • Encourage visitors to join your mailing list (build relationships)

Get your timing right

There are four different "trigger" options in Springnest, giving you control over when a visitor will see your Popup:

Show a Popup on page load: Useful to show a notice that impacts your visitor's experience or decision to book (for example, if you will be closed for a private function, your phone lines are undergoing maintenance, or if your pool is being renovated).

Show a Popup on a timer: This offers your visitor a couple of seconds to digest your most important content and offering, before being exposed to a promotional message or offer. It's a good way to give the impression that you're offering direct bookers some added value, and it could reduce the chance of someone leaving to shop around for a better rate elsewhere.

Show a Popup on scroll: With this option you show your popup to the visitor once they have started scrolling down your page. The benefit here is that you have an indication that they are interacting with your website and content - a Popup could be a good nudge to draw them deeper into your site.

Show a Popup on exit intent (desktop only): Exit-intent implies that you show your Popup to your visitor as they are about top leave your website. Think of this as a last effort to offer some added value, or establish a way to keep in touch with your visitor after they leave.

Create a strong message

Keep it short: The purpose of the Popup is not to cram a page worth of information into a single view - it's about grabbing the visitor's attention, and offering a call-to-action to find out more. A short, impactful headline, paired with a sentence or two works well.

Be mindful of basics: Your Popup already does the work of grabbing the attention of your visitor, avoid the urge to use exclamation marks and mixed capitalisation to create the feeling of urgency and importance. The easiest way to present your brand as professional is simply to follow the basic rules of grammar and copywriting.

Ready to add yours?

Visit the Springnest Help Centre for a guide on adding Popup's