Create great content, Increase Bookings

3 tips on writing persuasive copy for Special Offers

In this article, we will explore 3 tips on writing persuasive copy for Special Offers that prompt website visitors to take action. There’s a little creative execution involved in some areas, so we’re here to help you along.

1. Do some quick research about your current business situation for clarity

Before creating an offer, take a step back and do some quick research. Examine what season you’re in, if you need to increase revenue, current occupancy levels, would you like to attract a new market segment, do you have any new products or offerings or do you just want to boost direct bookings. Gather these insights, to identify your overall intent for creating an offer and how it will benefit you and website visitors. A good offer is mutualistic; offer something of value to website visitors at the right time, that ties in with your current business situation.

Example of research insights:
Need to boost direct bookings, and need a longer-term strategy to increase direct low season bookings.

2. Boost your website visitors desire to book

Springnest Tool:
Offer Details - Title and Hint

The idea here is to showcase what is included in order to sweeten the deal. Keep titles to-the-point and ensure that the hint creates interest and communicates value at first glance. Avoid anything long-winded here.

Stay for 2 nights and receive R500 off your next stay

3. State the information website visitors need in order to book

Springnest Tool:
Offer Description, Booking Button, Dates and Terms & Conditions

By the end of viewing an offer, a website visitor should have specific questions answered, such as: what is the added value, what is the price, when is this offer valid until, and what do I need to do to book this offer. Attention spans are short these days, to retain the attention of website visitors write in short sentences, this approach works for website visitors that will read the full offer and skim readers that look for buzzwords. Ensure that you give website visitors what they need to make their decision.

Offer Description: An opportunity to be creative, include a short description of the possible guest experience, leverage your USP’s and other valuable details to entice website visitor.
Booking Button: Use strong verbs, to prompt action. “Book Direct Now”
Terms & Conditions: State terms in point form, communicate details in a concise and logical way. “R500 offer is valid during stays in [specify your low season dates]

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About Lilian Padiachy

Customer Success at Springnest, writes about digital marketing and using Springnest features.
  • Johannesburg, South Africa