3 Springnest features to instantly improve your Special Offers

We’ve mentioned before that special offers are an effective way to boost bookings, attract a new target market or offer additional value. With Springnest’s Special Offer tool, creating an offer that draws attention of the reader is also key. In this article we highlight two features that can influence a reader's decision to act on your Special Offer.

Titles, Feature Media and the Hint appear as prominent visuals within the Special Offers tray and landing page; here’s how you can leverage these features to attract the attention of readers:

Name your offer with a clear Title

A title is the gateway to your content; spending an extra minute to craft a title that expresses information and excitement will encourage the reader to make a decision to read further. Make it clear what you are offering, but keep it concise.

Eg: Winter Romance Package, Weekday Booking Discount or Direct Booking Offer

Don’t underestimate the Feature Image

The Feature Image represents your Special Offer across your website and will likely have an even bigger impact on your visitors than your offer’s title or hint. It displays in the Special Offers tray, as well as on the index page showing all your current offers.

Depending on the type of offer; we’d recommend adding an image that adds context to your offer or gives a complete representation of the experience you offer at your establishment:

  • For a summer offer, a tranquil image of a pool
  • For a romance offer, a photo of a couple, a cosy fireplace, or champagne breakfast
  • For a more generic offer like a discount, a stunning image of your bedrooms or facilities.

Tip: Don’t use an advert or flyer designs as Feature images for your offers. Instead, use a single clear image.

Persuade with an Offer Hint

Remember that the hint creates interest and communicates value at first glance; our recommended approach is to keep this short and sweet - communicate that value that bookers can benefit from. Condense the value of your special offer to its simplest form and incorporate this into the hint.

Eg: Save 10% when booking direct.

Need more guidance on how to write copy for Special Offers that will prompt website visitors to take action? Read our article on 3 tips on writing persuasive copy for Special Offers.