Tips for writing effective titles for your blog articles
Why do titles matter?
It's one thing to write a great and exciting article on your website, but it's another thing to get it read, ranked, and shared. A good title will help you do this.
Titles sell your content. They represent your articles in search engines, on social media, and can be the difference between someone wanting to read more, or scrolling to the next article.
Practices to consider when writing titles for your Articles:
1. Be descriptive
Don't assume that your readers have context about the topic and content of your article. Include descriptive words about the articles topic, and include your business name if relevant. Consider seeing the following two titles in your Facebook news feed, posted by a hotel:
"Our New Menu" (not saying anything about the type of menu, why a reader should be interested in reading about the new menu, or where the new menu can be tasted)
"Find out why our new summer menu is the freshest thing you'll taste in Cape Town this season - Restaurant Name" (Describes the menu, invites the reader to learn more, offers value, mentions the destination, and business name)
2. Avoid exclamation marks
Publishing a new article comes with excitement, and often goes hand in hand with an announcement. While it might seem fitting to add exclamation marks (!) to the end of your titles, be careful not to use this as a default style of writing. They can easily come across as aggressive and intrusive, instead projecting excitement. If you wish to create urgency or excitement around your article, rather focus on using descriptive or power words that trigger the emotions of travellers,
Examples: "Discover" "Easy" "Free" "Stunning" "Romantic" "Adventurous"